Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How's it look

Super pre-lim test, let's see how it looks...


  1. I like your hillshade and it looks like a good start. You may want to reduce the size of your hwy symbols. A more contrasting color for the background may make the city of asheville "pop" a bit more - the colors look similar.

  2. Road symbols to large. Color scheme is really nice! I like the coppery look the hillshade has. I am interested to see what the inset is all about. Looks very interesting. Did you import CAD data for that? Very cool.

  3. I like the landscape layout on this map. I think it leaves good room for your inset. I also think the road symbols are a little too large. Colors look good.

  4. I agree about the size of the road symbols.

  5. Hey-I think the bike rack data was on the H drive with the other bike map data; although, I don't remember exactly where. If you can't find it, you can copy it from my thumb drive on Tuesday.

  6. Nice concept using an inset. Keep plugging away.

  7. *i think that the road shades fade into the background so they are hard to see
    *like the hillshade
    *try something to make the inset not blend into the larger map so much, make it more obvious that it is an inset
    *good start

  8. It is starting to come together. The highway 25 symbol is right on top of the parkway also.
